Start Preschool with Ease and Simplicity
Develop your young one holistically through play, movement, and expression with the guidance of Syllabis Education’s Preschool eBooks. Our Little Rangers program is a great starting point for your little one’s learning journey. We cater for children from age 3 to 5 years old.
The program is the most affordable preschool solution in South Africa, available in 3 tiers:
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Tier 1 (Ranger):
eBook only.
Tier 2 (Squirrel):
eBook with related Animations (Free up your time while you child watches our amazing, South African animations.
Tier 3 (Porcupine):
Tier 2, with the additional assistance of an online teacher.
For all students moving from the Little Ranger Edition, through to Grade R with Syllabis, you will receive a 15% discount on the Grade R to 3 distance school pricing.
Why Choose Syllabis Education for Preschool?
Our approach is straightforward and well-rounded. Our Preschool Edition prepares learners for South African’s foundation phase curriculum. We believe in making home-schooling simple and fun for both parents and young ones.
We have designed our enriching Preschool Theme Books that make it easy to navigate preschool learning from home and successfully guide your child to age-appropriate learning outcomes. The Grade RR theme books provide day-to-day activities aimed at stimulating the child while providing routine balanced with flexibility. You can approach learning at your own pace.
Our books help you and your child engage in play and learning, express feelings and develop communication skills. You can choose to purchase our animation videos that align with the content of our books. Plus, we provide the option to attend weekly online lessons with a teacher.