Steps in the Process

We’re not a boilerplate provider of distance schooling solutions; we genuinely have your best interests at heart and to prove this we have developed a few cool tools to help you carve out a successful future.

We offer a 3 tiered product approach to distance school, with each offering customizable to your unique needs. Of course you are free to upgrade or downgrade at your discretion. We don’t lock you in. Introducing the Syllabis Education Big 3.

The Elephant

Strong and Peaceful with a great Memory, a good concentrator, and a force to be reckoned with, this package includes our basic offering, and some great value-added products and features. Clearly the best value for money. Fantastic for those starting out on their school at home journey.

The Buffalo

Strong and Feisty, always looking for an edge, the great rememberer, whether alone or in a herd, this package includes our enhanced offering, and many great value-added services, products, and features. By far the best value for money in comparison to our competitors. Fantastic for those starting out on their school at home journey but wanting additional support along the way.
The Lion

On the Hunt, Protective, Happy in groups or alone, the King of the Jungle. This package includes all the bells and whistles (and a few loud ROARS). By far Clearly the best value for money in comparison to our competitors. Fantastic for those starting out on their school at home journey but wanting total support along the way.

While other providers will “fit” you into their single program, we perform a detailed needs analysis for you and your child, the output of which is a detailed report, providing you with recommendations on what path to take, which products to enroll for, and with which features.

If you have already decided on your method of learning, you do not need to perform the needs analysis.

Of course, no matter what our recommendation is, you are always free to choose any method, product, and features that you want.

While other providers will “fit” you into their 1 program, we perform a detailed needs analysis on you and your child, the output of which is a detailed report, providing you with recommendations on what path to take, and which products to enroll in for, with which features.

If you have already decided on your method of learning, you do not need to perform the needs analysis.

Of course, no matter what our recommendation is, you are always free to choose any method, product, and features that you want.

During the onboarding process, no matter your selected method of learning, or products or features, our goal is to make this experience as seamless and crisp as possible.

After completing the registration form, and committing financially you will:

For Self-Learning (Elephant Package):
If enrolled for self-learning, you will receive your login details to the Syllabis Learning Portal. You will then download the relevant workbooks on the eReader and be issued with your access pins.

Learning commences:

  1. Study plan, study guides, progress reporting, documents and assessments/tests and communication tools in the portal.
  2. Workbooks via our ereader, all installation instructions included in the learning portal.
  3. Syllabis iWizard
    Syllabis iWizard to be used in either of the following circumstances:
    1. As a core part of the curriculum.
    2. As your assistant, if a section of the main workbook curriculum cannot be understood and needs help.

For those students wanting to enhance and master the topic, they will study the enhanced lessons. For those little geniuses out there!

  1. Ability to reassess your needs at any time by completing a new educational needs analysis.

For Assisted Self-Learning (Buffalo and Lion packages)

  1. As above, but for study timetables and question and answer sessions with your teacher, refer to the online study calendar for weekly slots.

A consultant will be on standby to help you each step of the way.

As you progress through your learning, test and exam notifications will be sent out regularly. We make the process a breeze.

If you’re in grade 10 – 12, we need to do an official transfer from your existing school. For transfers in earlier grades, a letter of confirmation from your existing school is acceptable. If you are not in a school, we will assess your child.

A new kind of learning.
Copyright 2021 Syllabis Education

Contact us on 087 150 9461 Today.

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