An education built
for today’s world.

We are a registered institution that brings education home with our offering of affordable homeschooling, tutoring and comprehensive ebooks.


Registered by the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute.


All of our learning materials and study guides are developed by leading South African educators.


With pricing starting at R450 per month, we are the most affordable distance education services provider in South Africa.


Not sure where to start your distance learning journey?

Take a minute to complete the assessment so that we can cater a solution that benefits your child most.

Join us on the journey

to lifelong learning

Syllabis Distance Learning strives to be the leading provider of Standards-based distance learning solutions in South Africa for grades RR – 12. Our curriculum is a blended curriculum, meaning it comprises Traditional Textbooks, Internally generated and developed Study Guides and Assessment Materials, as well as rich, multimedia-based internet content. Whatever your home setup, Syllabis Distance Learning can accommodate you.


Many parents commit to schooling their children at home.

Their motivation is the conviction that this is the best for the moral and spiritual development of their family, and it is the best way to provide a solid education for their children. They know what their children are being taught in the areas of spiritual and character development, as well as about the social and academic well being of their children.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Create Your own Schedule in our State of the Art Learning Management Schedule.

Learn with Confidence

We provide all the tools to put you on the road to success

Track Your Progress

and keep your parents and guardians up to date


2025 Syllabis Homeschooling School Options and Pricing

In 2020, as a leading provider of distance school for South African students, we were the first to introduce a features and functions model to cater for the needs of various learners.

In 2025, we have expanded the product tiers to 5, the Impala (Grade R – 3), The Elephant, the Buffalo, Lion and Eagle for Grades R – 12. 

Download the product. services and pricing brochure to get an insight into our state of the art home schooling solutions.

Tutoring Options

Tutoring Packages for Your Needs

Quality Tutors. Quality Guaranteed with our Quality First Promise. Inquire Today.

Indicative Pricing - Pricing may vary depending on Grade and Level of Tutoring Required

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What Students Say About Us

Why Homeschooling

Frequently Asked Questions

Conventional home-schooling is essentially doing school-at-home, using similar methods to those used in public or private schools, where a parent, or in-home tutor, or online tutor takes on the role of the teacher. However, in today’s day and age, very few families can afford the luxury of employing personal or online tutors and in most cases, both parents are forced to be employed to make ends meet. Most SA Home-school Curriculum providers offer conventional home-schooling curricula, which even if done ‘ONLINE’ frankly is totally outdated and of little consequence to today’s learners.

Syllabis Learning, on the other hand, has taken the Lead in modernising learning and honestly believes that its new Enhanced Independent Learning curriculum is by far and without any doubt, the best solution for the modern-day learner which requires virtually no input from parents, teachers, or tutors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_autodidacts

Independent learning is a modern form of learning. It has been proven to be effective, convenient, and fast, thanks to the rise of the internet. Nowadays, you can learn how to do almost anything through a simple Google search, by watching a YouTube tutorial, and by simply reading instruction manuals. Self-learning is the new form of learning that is equipping people with skills that are relevant to their daily activities. https://smartandrelentless.com/100-ultra-successful-people-who-did-not-get-a-college-degree/


Testimonial of a working Mom-

“I will tell you that I was very sceptical of how this was all going to work out. I have been so pleasantly surprised to find out how simple the Syllabis Independent Learning curriculum really works with extraordinarily little input from me. My daughter adamantly says she never wants to go back to a public school again!”.

Client testimonial – Independent Learning Curriculum

Mr. Jan Cilliers, Son, and Daughters


Research has shown that on average, home-schoolers study about two to three hours a day.   

Grade 1-3: Roughly 2 hours a day. Most parents with a 5 or 6-year-old will be home-schooling for 2 hours a day.   

Grade 4-6: Roughly 3 4 hours a day.

Grade 7-9: Roughly 4-5 hours a day.

Grade 10-12: Roughly 7 Hours a Day.

Here is the game changer to consider though – when they get home from school, they are exhausted. It is a full-time job (7-8 hours or longer with traveling) they have just worked. And now they come home to another stack of work. Ugh! With home-schooling, there is NO homework! You will find it is quite different than you are imagining.


This is one of the biggest fears of most undecided parents – the socialisation issue. This is the biggest myth of all about homeschooling. Most people who cite this as a reason to not home-school are showing that they likely do not know anything about homeschooling and have never met a home-schooled student.

First, going to a conventional school does not mean that you are going to be super suave and develop awesome social skills. Going to a conventional school does not make you cool and home-school does not make you weird. And there is data to back it up. This is an amazing paper from Stetson University that examines and compares many studies of the social skills of home-schooled children. It is a fascinating read, but if you do not have time – here are some striking findings:

Children attending conventional schools showed more than eight times more problem behaviours than home-schooled children. Shyers described the traditionally schooled children as aggressive, loud, and competitive” (1992b, p. 6). In contrast, the home-schooled children acted in friendly, positive ways. He noted that they introduced themselves, initiated conversation, cooperated with others, invited uninvolved children to join them in play, took turns, let others know it was all right if they lost a game, and even “exchanged addresses and phone numbers for future contact”.

The homeschoolers had better social skills?? This must be one isolated study, right? Nope. There were many other studies in the paper that showed the home-schoolers to be equal to or more advanced than their peers in this area. Home-school socialisation is a myth. Period.

Children have more opportunities to spend time with friends and do social activities such as sports, scouts, church, etc. If you are worried about the issue of friends…it will not be an issue. You will not isolate your children. You will find the things they are interested in and get them involved in their community. Should you give Syllabis permission to connect your children with one or more fellow homeschoolers in their grade (Online), this can easily be arranged with the permission of the study buddy’s parents. Some good reasons to have a Study Buddy:

Two Heads are better than one.

  1. Having a Study Buddy can make learning easier and more fun. You will be studying the same course and doing the same quizzes and assignments, so pooling your knowledge, resources, and skills will only increase your success rate.


  1. Teach each other. Your study buddy may be able to teach you concepts that you do not understand as well as new research skills and methods. Also, explaining concepts to someone else is a great learning method as it allows you to consolidate what you have learned. Sharing your strengths and complementing each other’s weaknesses will improve the overall outcome for both of you.


  1. Share resources as you are studying the same course, you will be able to share the resources you come across such as useful websites, articles, books etc. This means you may have access to resources you did not know about, and you can also recommend ones you find helpful.

This is usually the question that comes right after the socialisation question. Kids can usually be involved in sports in their community up until high school and then it does get complicated, but they can join sporting clubs, etc. In your area, you may find that the local public school will still allow your child to be involved in sports despite not attending school. Syllabis extra-curricular ‘Online’ courses/coaching are available to learners who are interested in Music, Golf, Martial Arts, etc…

The Washington Times published this article and here is what they said: “…the average home-school test results continue to be 30-plus percentile points higher than their public-school counterparts. There are two main factors for these outstanding results: the educational environment where learning takes place, and the individualised, one-on-one instruction or independent learning. In a sentence, home-schooling is a recipe for academic success”.

As in most countries around the world, home-schooling is 100% legal in South Africa, and only grade 1-9 homeschoolers are required to register with the DBE, which is a very simple process. All you have to do is complete the online form for your province on the DBE website and when asked for further information relating to the curriculum, one of our consultants will assist you with this. There is no need to wait for permission before you start home-schooling.

SACAI’S candidates (Syllabis Learning) who write and pass the NSC examination in Grade 12 are issued National Senior Certificates by Umalusi, the Quality Council responsible for the sub-framework General and Further Education and Training of the National Qualification Framework (NQF). Candidates who meet the relevant requirements are accepted by South African tertiary Institutions for further study.

The current system of education was designed and structured for a different age [the Industrial Age] … which included a model of the mind that saw people as academic or non-academic [smart or not smart] … This model has caused problems [for our children].” This is a must-watch video. 


SACAI’S candidates (Syllabis Learning) who write and pass the NSC examination in Grade 12 are issued National Senior Certificates by Umalusi, the Quality Council responsible for the sub-framework General and Further Education and Training of the National Qualification Framework (NQF). Candidates that meet the relevant requirements are accepted by South African tertiary Institutions for further study.

Home School Curriculums

What is a Curriculum?

Technically, a curriculum is a list of topics, concepts, ideas, etc. that will be taught. A homeschool curriculum usually also includes the texts, workbooks, and other materials used to teach that subject, and “directions for parents.” There are many great curriculums (or programs) designed just for homeschoolers. Most people start homeschooling with packaged curriculums, and then find their way from there, for what works best for their child. For some children, this involves more formal studies. For others, it is more informal hands-on play or exploring learning. For many, it is a mixture of methods.

Formal Curriculums

Some subjects, like math, work better with a formal curriculum. This is probably because most math, particularly in the upper grades, must be done on paper.

Use “Home School” Curriculums

If you are going to use formal curriculums, it is best to get “home school” curriculums rather than using programs designed for schools. A good home school curriculum will explain to you “as a parent,” what and how to teach that day’s material, and should have more hands-on exercises that are better suited to a home environment.

Homeschoolers can usually relate better than average both horizontally and vertically, take leadership positions often are positive role models, have the tendency to build quality friendships and their self-image is not dependent on group pressure.

Syllabis School@Home South Africa is a complete school curriculum that is delivered both online and via traditional learning materials. The curriculum is compiled by registered South African teachers. We sell curriculum solutions to South African parents (Students) seeking to adopt homeschooling, either for their children or for themselves.

Core Curriculum

The core curriculum consists of the following:

  1. A Weekly Study Plan that tells you exactly what to study and when. This is flexible and can be changed to suit the learner. It comes with an easy-to-use checklist to ensure all areas are covered.
  2. Text Books published by South African Publishers. (As well as various other open e-books)
  3. E-learning Solutions internally developed
  4. Tutoring Solutions (Optional)

Study Plan

Study Material

All the study material is provided via the web and via textbooks. The study material can be provided for grades R to 10, in English. Grade 10 to 12 are in the development stage for release at a later date.

Assessment (Self / External)

All supplied curricula meet the standard as set by the SA Department of Education. (SAPS).


Each grade consists of online content accessed via our Websites, textbooks, and a detailed study plan which ties all the learning together into a concise and professional distance learning solution.

With our cutting-edge solution, your first day of learning is in your home with your parent/guardian/Tutor. Our curriculum has been developed by leading South African educators. syllabis school@home is a true home school solution and offers every learner endless possibilities to achieve their best. Join us on the journey to successful, lifelong learning.


  • syllabis school@home is the ideal home school solution with a complete curriculum and assessment developed for South Africa.
  • Learning material is provided via a guided study plan, textbooks and a web-based portal, ensuring curriculum content is always up to date.
  • Additional value-added curriculum support and assessment services are available. This is either Virtual support or One on One tuition.
  • 100% Aligned to the SA Curriculum requirements.
  • Day to day lesson and progress plan. This is facilitated via the online portal.
  • Online tracking system to track student performance.
  • Loaded with Current Events studies that link learning back to actual world events.

The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based. Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer-based as well as traditional textbook materials.


The Self-assessment method comes in the form of the June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.


External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.


A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.

Assessment and Grading Codes

  • Excellent 80% – 100%
  • Well Done 70% – 79%
  • Exceeding Expectations 60% – 69%
  • Satisfactory 50% – 59%
  • Moderate 40% – 49%
  • Requires Development 30% – 39%
  • Requires Significant Development 0% – 29%

A new kind of learning.
Copyright 2023 Syllabis Education

Contact us on 087 150 9461 Today.

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Little Rangers

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