Let us answer some ebook related questions

Syllabis is here to make your life easier! Below is some frequently asked questions we hope will help you find the answers. 


Let us help you resolve eBook related questions!

Make use of our ‘How To’ manuals to assist you in downloading the eReader. These are sent via email when you are onboarded onto the learning portal.

Your eBooks are in the Syllabis Publications folder on the Javelin eReader in the 2022 folder. ‘Click’ the refresh button to ensure that you have the latest versions of the workbooks.

Ensure that when you copy and paste your code that there are no spaces before or after the digits.

Refresh you page.

Please refer to the video clip on this page to address this issue.

Right click on the ‘Term’ folder giving the error and delete the file.

Completely close your eReader.

 Open it again hitting refresh after every step.

Download the book again and enter the code.

 If you still get an error, contact Syllabis Education on by filling out the form on this page to request a call back – check the document ID so a consultant can ensure you are using the right version of the eBook.

A stable internet connection is required when downloading folders and eBooks.

The eReader also checks the validity of your code, and will intermittently connect to the internet during the month.

Th eBooks are encrypted and cannot be printed. You will however be provided with pintables per subject and per grade separately on the portal which you are free to print at any time.

Are you a visual person?

We made the below videos to help you if you just want quick answers.



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A new kind of learning.
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