Our School@Home offerings are product and features based, meaning they comprise different tools and services allowing us to tailor the solution that you need. We are not an off-the-shelf online school where your child sits, boringly staring at a teacher on the screen.
We have developed these books over several years, tailoring them to the needs of the student learning at home. Each book comes with educational content, exams and tests, projects, and assessments as well as guidance on how to approach the material. These books are 100% aligned to CAPS.
The extended workbooks are enhanced with additional content over and above that required by CAPS, and includes such things as case studies, extensive projects and real-life interactions.
The enhanced curriculum caters for the needs of gifted and talented students and is available as an ADD-On to the base solution.
All workbooks for grade R – 3 are couriered to your home.
Each student that enrols with Syllabis, has the choice to participate in various levels of orientation.
The syllabis education portal is your access to our world of learning and prosperity. The portal provides you with access you the study guide, communication centre, progress reports and other fabulous tools we have been developing over the last few years.
The study guides are an additional area of support providing the learner with month-to-month guidance on how to approach the subject, and additional questions and content for reinforcement.
Our progress reporting system is easy to use and keeps the parent and us up to date with the learner’s progress. This is non-compulsory.
Extended progress reporting is available linking the student up with a tutor, who will guide them through the problem area. Tutoring rates are extremely competitive so no need to go find an independent tutor. We have over 5000 tutors.
Dial in support during normal work hours, Monday to Friday.
Syllabis iClass is a platform providing video content that assists learners with subject-related topics. iClass is supplementary to the independent model of learning that we believe in. We are not an online school, we are a school that provides independent learning and supports this with innovative, teaching-supported videos between 15 – 20 minutes long. Lesson times might change from time to time based on learning requirements.
The Syllabis iWizard is an easy-to-use learning management system that we use to help strengthen up students understanding of certain sections of the curriculum as well as for enhanced learning. Syllabis iWizard gives students an organized, step-by-step learning path complete with instructions, study questions, vocabulary, quizzes, and inquiry-based projects. Students stay on track and stay on task with relevant subject information.
Everything from pens and pencils, calculators to science kits at excellent prices.
All tiers receive the syllabis reports (school report) but In tier 3 product category, we provide professional feedback to you, our respected parent, the progress of your child. This is done via a formal written feedback report and an online meeting.
The study skills course is a professional course offered by our study skills expert and is conducted over 2 days.
We assist with a professional presentation of your child’s educational performance to universities, both local and abroad. Available in tier 3 or at an additional price.
Louis to complete.
The Children’s Wellness Program incorporates life skills such as how to be healthy, confident, individuals. We offer these programs to Syllabis Students as well as students from other schools.
The Syllabis Learning 8 Pillars is a comprehensive ädd on” curriculum we have developed that focuses on 8 pivotal points not addressed to our liking in the traditional schooling environment:
Online help in the form of a chat function that is embedded in the learning portal.
Take an assessment and see where your skills lie.
Published in our monthly Syllabis Edutainment Newsletter.
Via MTN Schooling specials for data and voice.
Buy our ebooks on their own, or as part of a bundle. Extra fees to access our learning portal. No other services provided as part of this bundle.
We provide comprehensive tutoring solutions, to those students enrolled with us, to those enrolled in other schools, be it traditional schools or other school@home providers. Our tutoring can be done either in person, online or at a learning centre.
Home Schooling South Africa had been illegal historically in the country until it was recognized in 1996 under the South African School Legislation. Since then, Home Schooling in South Africa, has grown significantly. There are several home-schooling organisations n the country, positioned in various areas from legal, curriculum support and tutoring services. Syllabis Learning is a leading home-schooling south Africa curriculum provider.
On 28 February 2020, the Minister of Education held a Roundtable discussion on Home Education with various stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the policy. In her oral speech, the minister repeated at least twice: “Children belong to the state. They belong to the nation …” However, she did make it clear that her context was in terms of the collective responsibility of South African Parents, teachers, and Government Departments to ensure the wellbeing of all children in South Africa insomuch as recognising their rights to basic academic education of reasonable quality. Syllabis Learning was a participant in the round table discussion.
Your First Year of Learning
We offer 2 different Grade R Packages. Both Grade R solutions are expertly developed with the Instructor (Parent/Tutor) and Student method of teaching in mind. Our internally developed and precisely structured Parent / Student Study Guides guarantee your success as you begin your homeschooling journey. Start your journey with us today.
Grade R is the first formal year of school. Students are usually between 4.5 and 6 years old.
The study in grade R covers the following:
A number of defined components such as:
The Curriculum is fully aligned to the South African National Curriculum, our study guides are best of class and developed by leading South African educators and curriculum specialists.
Curriculum pricing.
The Foundation Phase
With our cutting-edge solutions, your first day of learning is in your home with your parent/guardian / Tutor. Our curriculum has been developed by leading South African educators. Syllabis HomeEducation is a true home school solution and offers every learner endless possibilities to achieve their best. Join us on the journey to successful, lifelong learning.
Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office on 087 150 9461 and all admission requirements will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.
Curriculum pricing.
Required Subjects
Core Curriculum
The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.
Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer-based as well as traditional textbook materials.
How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)
The Self-assessment method comes in the form of the June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.
External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.
A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.
Assessment and Grading Codes
Excellent 80% – 100% Well Done 70% – 79% Exceeding Expectations 60% – 69% Satisfactory 50% – 59% Moderate 40% – 49% Requires Development 30% – 39% Requires Significant Development 0% – 29%
The movement to the Next Grade
It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.
Curriculum Consulting Services
2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.
Intermediate Phase (Gr 4 – 6)
A very flexible solution for the middle grades, allowing for greater student-led learning. Supported with cutting-edge technology you are poised to be on a strong base for the higher grades. Start your journey with us today.
Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office on 087 808 6972 and all admission requirements will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.
Curriculum pricing.Required Subjects
The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.
Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer-based as well as traditional textbook materials.
How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)
The Self-assessment method comes in the form of June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.
External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.
A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.
Assessment and Grading Codes
The movement to the Next Grade
It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.
Curriculum Consulting Services
2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.
A very flexible solution for the middle grades, allowing for greater student-led learning. Supported with cutting-edge technology you are poised to be on a strong base for the higher grades. Start your journey with us today.
Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office on 087 150 9461 and all admission requirements will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.
Curriculum pricing.Required Subjects
Core Curriculum</P
The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.
Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer-based as well as traditional textbook materials.
How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)
The Self-assessment method comes in the form of June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.
External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.
A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.
Assessment and Grading Codes
The movement to the Next Grade
It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.
Curriculum Consulting Services
2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.
Senior Phase (Gr 8 – 9)
A very flexible solution for the middle grades, allowing for greater student-led learning. Supported with cutting-edge technology you are poised to be on a strong base for the higher grades. Start your journey with us today.
Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office on 087 150 94612 and all admission requirements will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.
Curriculum pricing.Required Subjects
The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.
Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer based as well as traditional textbook materials.
How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)
The Self-assessment method comes in the form of June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.
External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.
A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.
Assessment and Grading Codes
The movement to the Next Grade
It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.
Curriculum Consulting Services
2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.
A very flexible solution for the higher grades, allowing for greater student-led learning. Supported with cutting-edge technology you are poised to be on a strong base for the higher grades. Start your journey with us today.
Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office on 087 150 94612 and all admission requirements will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.
Curriculum pricing.
Required Subjects
Core Curriculum
The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum that allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher/parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.
Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer-based as well as traditional textbook materials.
How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)
The Self-assessment method comes in the form of the June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.
External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.
A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.
Assessment and Grading Codes
It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.
Curriculum Consulting Services
2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.
More parents are now choosing to homeschool instead of sending their children to public or private schools. Learn more about the homeschooling movement and what’s involved when parents educate their kids at home.
Homeschooling is a progressive movement around the country and the world, in which parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, including dissatisfaction with the educational options available, different religious or educational philosophies, and the belief that children are not progressing within the traditional school structure.
The homeschooling movement began growing in the 1970s when some popular authors and researchers—such as John Holt and Dorothy and Raymond Moore—started writing about educational reform. They suggested homeschooling as an alternative educational option. According to the National Home Education Research Institute, there are now more than 2 million children being homeschooled in the U.S. alone with the percentage rapidly increasing each year. Homeschooling is legal in many countries around the world.
How Do You Get Started with Homeschooling?
In almost all areas of the country, parents do not need an education degree to homeschool. Those with young children who have never attended a traditional classroom can begin a home education program when their child turns school age. At that time they will start adhering to the requirements in their particular state.
It contains all the information you will need to make an informed decision. When deciding to home school in South Africa, you need to take into account a number of important aspects relating to your children and their future.
Open the Interactive Guide to Home Schooling
Home Schooling South Africa had been illegal historically in the country until it was recognized in 1996 under the South African School Legislation. Since then Home Schooling in South Africa, has grown significantly. There are several homeschooling organisations n the country, positioned in various areas from legal, curriculum support and tutoring services. Syllabis Learning is a leading homeschooling south Africa curriculum provider.
On 28 February 2020, the Minister of Education held a Roundtable discussion on Home Education with various stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the policy. In her oral speech, the minister repeated at least twice: “Children belong to the state. They belong to the nation …” However, she did make it clear that her context was in terms of the collective responsibility of South African Parents, teachers, and Government Departments to ensure the wellbeing of all children in South Africa insomuch as recognising their rights to the basic academic education of reasonable quality. Syllabis Learning was a participant in the round table discussion.
With school closures happening all across the country due to the coronavirus outbreak, public schools are varying widely in what they offer. School districts have a legal obligation to provide equitable learning opportunities and it can be hard for schools to guarantee access to necessary hardware, like laptops and WiFi, for all students, so some are confining themselves to handing out optional “enrichment” lessons.
If you’re one of the tens of millions of parents who are now essentially homeschooling your kids, we have some tips to help you keep your kids engaged and everyone sane. (And here’s a comic version of these homeschooling tips!)
Strong learners can do even better independently, but weaker learners may really struggle. “Online [and independent] learning is really hard for a lot of people. It requires a lot of self-regulated learning skills,” says MIT education researcher Justin Reich.
Different kids will do best in different learning environments. If your child learns better in groups, try a Zoom study session with a fellow classmate. The older kids are, the longer they may be able to work on their own. And remember, resources are going to become available slowly for students who need them — you may not have to do this all by yourself.
This is a good time for passion projects.
This is a good time for kids to pursue interests they haven’t had time to focus on in the past. It could be cooking, building in Minecraft, or drawing. Bonus: If it’s something they’re truly interested in, you won’t have to bug them to do it.
Set up designated space and time for learning.
Kids may need to move around during the day, we suggest having one or two designated areas for learning. Have your kids pack up their materials into a basket so they can put them aside when they’re finished.
The same goes for time. While it’s good to have a general daily routine, you can also be flexible. It’s OK to let your kids sleep in a little later than usual — research shows many of our children and teens are chronically sleep-deprived. Plus, most homeschoolers don’t teach seven hours straight a day. Shoot for two to four good academic hours instead. And don’t forget to get outside — learning happens outdoors too.
Be forgiving of yourself and your kid.
This is a very stressful time. If you need to put on a movie to get through the day, that’s absolutely fine. Homayoun says, “You don’t have to home school if it’s really going to cause severe emotional distress for everyone involved. And I think that’s really important for parents to hear right now because we all feel so much personal pressure.”
The rapid increase in the number of homeschoolers has resulted in a wide variety of available curricula and resources. Catalogues are filled with a plethora of options based on different educational philosophies, learning approaches, the amount of time a homeschool teacher should devote to daily instruction, and so on.
Subjects typically taught include the standard disciplines followed in a traditional school program as well as those that capitalize on the child’s interests. In his best-selling book The Element, Ken Robinson writes that “the key to [educational] transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.” A homeschooling atmosphere provides a natural setting in which parents can deliver an individualized method of instruction that matches the child’s unique interests, ability, and learning style.
Families that homeschool often combine certain subjects that are not necessarily grade- or age-specific, such as history, literature, and the arts. For example, children of various ages might study the same historical time period together, and then be given assignments that reflect specific age and ability. For studies in other subjects, such as math and reading, a homeschooling parent might tutor each child one-on-one to meet the student’s individual needs. Meanwhile, depending on each child’s age, the other students may be working on solo assignments or playing in another room.
The learning materials which you would use, depending on your grade level, are as follows:
Textbooks – couriered to your nearest Postnet, delivered to your home or couriered internationally.
The Learning Portal
Online. The learning portal contains additional information, and learning manuals you would use on your Home Education Journey with us. It is accessible 24 hours a day. It also contains the Study Plans.
Contact us on 087 150 8461 to Speak to a Representative today.
All South African Home Schooling families should be registered with the Department of Education. Contact us on 087 150 9461 to speak to a services representative and we can assist you with this.
The online application form can be found here:
Home Education is a programme alternative to attending public or independent schools where a parent of a learner of compulsory school-going age may provide education for his/her own child/ren at home. Do you prefer to teach your child at home? If so, apply to the head of your Provincial Education Department to register your child for Home Education. The lesson you offer your child must fall within the scope of the following compulsory phases of education.
After your child has been registered:
To apply to the head of your Provincial Education Department you need to take the following documents with you:
It may take up to 30 days for your applications to be processed.
How much does it cost?
The service is free.
Forms to complete
The application forms can be obtained from any Provincial Education Department.
All exams, except grade 12, are written at the student’s home or alternative location. We recommend you appoint an invigilator, and we can assist you with this, or you can do the invigilation yourself.
All examination instructions and papers are available online via the Syllabis Home Education portal. The system is easy to use and secure.
Reports are issued by Syllabis Home Education up to Grade 11. The national senior certificate is issued by SACAI/Umaluzi.
Reports are issued at certain times during the year, please confirm report dates with our office.
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