Our crest at Syllabis is like our coat of arms and our school motto is a key message that we wish other people to know about.

Our crest at Syllabis is like our coat of arms and our school motto is a key message that we wish other people to know about. It’s our driving force and encapsulates our purpose and mission.


Light Bulb, always changing – It’s our Innovation Symbol – in line with our dream of being the most innovative online distance school, dynamic, and always thinking out of the box. We take input from industry and technology leaders, as well as educational professionals and industry trends.

Trophy – Success: Success is a partnership involving the education provider, learners, parents, extended families, and the community, sharing an obligation to promote excellence in education.

Whale out of Water – Fortitude: strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage

Knight and his Squire – Vision, Literature, and Friendship and always Dreaming Big! The timeless story of the hero struggling against injustice. The importance of turning problems into possibilities, always knowing you need your friends, and family at your side.

The Green Man – Rejuvenation. The Green Man is a legendary being primarily interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, representing the cycle of new growth that occurs every spring. The Green Man is most commonly depicted in a sculpture or other representation of a face that is made of or completely surrounded by leaves.

This is not just a nice catchphrase but tells the message we strive to live up to at our distance school.

Learners will inevitably grow in a physical sense and we are privileged to be involved in their development as they negotiate a journey, not just through the world of education, but also a very complex social journey where learning to relate to others in a positive and productive manner is an absolute necessity.

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