general information

On Homeschooling
in South Africa

Home Schooling South Africa had been illegal historically in the country until it was recognized in 1996 under the South African School Legislation. Since then, Home Schooling in South Africa, has grown significantly. There are several home-schooling organisations n the country, positioned in various areas from legal, curriculum support and tutoring services. Syllabis Learning is a leading home-schooling south Africa curriculum provider.

On 28 February 2020, the Minister of Education held a Roundtable discussion on Home Education with various stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the policy. In her oral speech, the minister repeated at least twice: “Children belong to the state. They belong to the nation …” However, she did make it clear that her context was in terms of the collective responsibility of South African Parents, teachers, and Government Departments to ensure the wellbeing of all children in South Africa insomuch as recognising their rights to basic academic education of reasonable quality. Syllabis Learning was a participant in the round table discussion.

Helping you to register

Homeschooling Students

Registration with the Department of Education for South Africa Home Schooling

Syllabis Education can assist you with the registration of your child with the DOE which is required for grades 1– 9 only. Grade 10 – 12 registration is done directly with Syllabis.

Call 087 150 9461 for assistance.

The online applications forms can be found below.

Access the FORM here.

Access the FORM here.

Access the FORM here.

Access the FORM here.

Access the FORM here.

Planning a curriculum for homeschooling in South Africa

Home Education is a programme alternative to attending public or independent schools where a parent of a learner of compulsory school-going age may provide education for his/her own child/ren at home.

Planning a Curriculum for Homeschooling in South Africa

The rapid increase in the number of homeschoolers has resulted in a wide variety of available curricula and resources. Catalogues are filled with a plethora of options based on different educational philosophies, learning approaches, the amount of time a homeschool teacher should devote to daily instruction, and so on.

Subjects typically taught include the standard disciplines followed in a traditional school program as well as those that capitalize on the child’s interests. In his best-selling book The Element, Ken Robinson writes that “the key to [educational] transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.” A homeschooling atmosphere provides a natural setting in which parents can deliver an individualized method of instruction that matches the child’s unique interests, ability, and learning style.

Families that homeschool often combines certain subjects that do not necessarily grade- or age-specific, such as history, literature, and the arts. For example, children of various ages might study the same historical time together, and then be given assignments that reflect specific ages and abilities. For studies in other subjects, such as math and reading, a homeschooling parent might tutor each child one-on-one to meet the student’s individual needs. Meanwhile, depending on each child’s age, the other students may be working on solo assignments or playing in another room.

A new kind of learning.
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